2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 850 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 14 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

My type of type map

My Facebook feed can range from inspirational page links to irrelevant, pointless updates – a variety I’m sure you’re equally familiar with. I’m pleased to say that this map was an example of the former. It was designed and received from an old friend of mine, who now lives in Bali (his artistic talent isn’t the only thing I envy!).


I’ve seen this idea executed in a couple of other places, but I particularly like this treatment of type to define our world.


Branding: Zombie Apocalypse-style

This AdWeek article gave me food for thought (no pun intended). It shared a few famous American logos, redesigned for the Zombie Apocalypse. It reminded me of something that I’ve noted during my stay in America: the emphasis on Hallowe’en. In the UK we celebrate for a night, and probably only then if we have kids. For these guys, it’s a month-long event. Shops and supermarkets bristle with scary merchandise, and the efforts that go into outfits are unprecedented. It’s a full-on celebration of the magical and macabre, in houses and on street-corners throughout every town.


This made me wonder what other brands could undergo the Zombie treatment, and reminded me of the continuing allure of the half-dead genre.






Creativity ‘closely linked to mental illness’

Hmm. Am I pursuing the right career? Or is someone waiting to tell me something?
This recent BBC article suggests a strong and consistent link between creativity and a variety of mental disorders. The correlation is apparently ‘particularly strong for writers’. Time to give up the day job? Nah. Not yet.





The magnificent Crane Melon

I’m lucky enough to be spending a couple of months in Sonoma County, California – a mecca of food, drink and scenery. What’s more, it’s harvest time here, which gives me the opportunity to sample many local delights – from sumptuous fruit to fresh dairy produce to palate-burstingly delicious wines. It’s a hard life!


One of the most wonderful of these discoveries has been the Crane Melon. I’d heard a lot of good things, but although I’ve been here several times before, it’s never been in season during my stay. Last week I finally managed to eat one. Everything they say is true! Sure, it’s full of flavour and freshness, but what really got me is how refreshing the fruit is. Also, you can eat a lot (!) and feel all the better for it.


If you’re ever in Sonoma County, make sure you get your hands on one. You’ll find them at the Crane Melon Barn on Petaluma Hill Road.


Happy eating!

Barmy over Britishisms

As someone currently residing in the United States, and with the promise of another televised Presidential debate hanging in the offing, this article was a well-timed observation. According to the New York Times, Americans are going barmy over Britishisms. Actually, ‘Britishisms’ is a new word to me. Is it surely not ‘Anglicisms’? Anyway. Enjoy.


The world’s most in-demand employers: by LinkedIn

This infographic is of particular interest to me, as someone who spends their working life between South-East England and the US West Coast. According to a study by LinkedIn, and based on the data of job seekers within their network, the most desirable location in the world to seek work is San Francisco. This isn’t surprising given the burgeoning success of the Tech sector. It’s backed up by a strong showing from the UK, which leads Europe in terms of desirability and opportunity.


On the face of it, things look rosy for me as a freelance Technology copywriter. But with desirability of course, comes intense competition – so I’ll continue to do the best job I can for all those I work with.
If you’re looking for copywriting support within the Technology sector, at home or abroad, please give me a call!